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Mole Removal Treatment

What is mole removal?

In a mole removal procedure, your dermatologist shaves or cuts a mole to remove it from your skin. A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the skin. It's generally a quick, outpatient procedure that allows your healthcare provider to test the mole for skin cancer.

Who needs to have this treatment?

Most moles don’t require treatment. But you might want to have a mole removed if you’re unhappy with how it looks or feels. Talk with your healthcare provider if you’re concerned about a mole. Generally, moles are removed if your provider suspects they might be cancerous or for cosmetic reasons.

Atypical mole removal

Typical moles are round, flat or slightly raised, even in color and stay pretty much the same shape and size over time. But if your mole looks atypical (dysplastic), your healthcare provider might suggest removing it so they can run tests to determine if it’s cancer (malignant) or not cancer (benign).

Cosmetic mole removal

Whether you were born with a mole or it developed over time, you might not like how it looks or feels. If you have a mole that bothers you, discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. Don’t attempt at-home mole removal. Getting a mole removed by a medical professional is safer and you’ll be happier with how you look after you heal.


You have a higher risk of getting melanoma if you have:

Four or more atypical moles.

Four or more atypical moles.

Previously had melanoma.

Atypical moles (also called dysplastic nevi):

Atypical moles can appear anywhere on your body. Atypical moles are often on the trunk, but you can also get them on your neck, head, or scalp. They rarely appear on the face.Benign atypical moles may have some of the same characteristics as melanoma (a type of skin cancer). So, it’s important to have regular skin checks and to monitor any changes in your moles.Atypical moles have the potential to become cancerous. But it’s estimated that only 1 in 10,000 Trusted Source atypical moles turn into cancer. Because of their appearance, atypical moles have been characterized as the “ugly ducklings” of moles.

In general, atypical moles are:

Irregular in shape with uneven borders

Varied in color: mixes of tan, brown, red, and pink

Varied in color: mixes of tan, brown, red, and pink

Varied in color: mixes of tan, brown, red, and pink

Varied in color: mixes of tan, brown, red, and pink

A visit to the clinic entails a detailed consultation in which a comprehensive discussion followed by a specific treatment plan is designed to suit individual concerns and needs. A step by step approach towards understanding the need, addressing it with detailed information of the procedures, methods, and side effects if any is followed. For a one‑stop solution to all your cosmetic and dermatologic needs, visit SkinSoul .

Consult Skin Soul Clinic, Vashi for the best treatment plan

Dr. Sneh Thadani

( Skin Soul Clinic, Vashi Navi Mumbai. )


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