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Do’s and don’t regarding acne!

Treatment for acne scars:

There’s the myth that chocolate causes acne, which I say is completely wrong,” said Dr. Sneh Thadani , “For me, the stress that’s making you craving the chocolate is probably causing the acne.”

Studies have failed to show a link between food and acne. Instead, research shows stress, hormones, and genetics can all increase the risk for acne. Here are few dos and dont’s when it comes to acne.

Dr. Sneh Thadani explains why these tips are very essential to follow and how by following few right things one can save themselves from ugly and scary forms of acne and acne scar- which need extensive treatment and procedures to attain your normal skin back.

Contrary to popular belief, pimples and acne are not just a teenage nightmare, but a common problem among women (and men) of all ages. While they damage your skin permanently, they also do a number on your confidence. It’s therefore important to arm yourself with all the facts.

shaving: While shaving itself cannot cause acne, not using the proper blade or shaving cream can cause your skin to become irritated or nicked.

What you should do: Always use a clean razor, change your razor frequently, shave in the direction of hair, moisturize your skin.


Avoid shaving in opposite direction of hair.

Don’t try razor which cut to close to the skin and damage your skin.

If you’re seeing pimples on your cheeks or anywhere near the area where you hold your phone, they may be from those hour-long convos on your mobile phone. Your phone picks up lots of dirt and bacteria (from your hands, your bag, the food you eat), which can then get transferred to your face when you’re chatting on the phone.

What you should do

Wipe your screen with an anti-bacterial wipe often to get rid of dirt and germs.

Day-to-day stress that occurs in the workplace and in your personal life is not known to cause acne; profound tension, however, just may. Excessive stress may cause your body to produce an excess of hormones, which can cause you to break out.

What you should do:

Try calming workouts, yoga or develop a hobby.

Those who are prone to breakouts should wash their faces twice a day with a gentle cleanser that has been formulated for oily or acne-prone skin, as this will keep excess oil under control.

Remember that over washing or scrubbing too hard can dry out and irritate the skin, making the acne worse. You should also opt for a dermatologist-approved, oil-free moisturizer, as it will not clog your pores.

What you should do

Use a gentle acne clear face cleanser.

Avoid- scrubbing, over washing, soaps on the face, over the counter products.

It’s tempting to think that popping pimples will help them clear up faster. In reality, squeezing blackheads is a bad idea because it will only cause them to become inflamed. Popping whiteheads will only push the germs farther into the skin, resulting in soreness, redness and perhaps even a vicious infection. Furthermore, popping pimples can lead to permanent scarring.

What should one do:

Use a dermatologist recommended skin care regime in order to avoid the formation of acne.

Avoid – breaking or popping the pimple

Hope this article was useful. Please write into us for any quires or book yourself your next consultation.

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Dr. Sneh Thadani

( Skin Soul Clinic, Vashi Navi Mumbai. )


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